About Me
Hello !! My name is Rolwin Reevan Monteiro. I'm a full stack web developer who is passionate about various web technologies. I like to experiment with different web technologies. I have an experience of 3+ years working with LAMP stack, MERN stack and ELK stack. Building fancy UI's just like this one that your seeing 😅 and writing blogs about tech stacks is what Rolwin loves to do. Check my blog which I update every week for some Javascript and some cool notes on web technologies.
Currently I work mostly with Javascript technologies like ReactJS and NodeJS. I also have hands on experience working with cloud infrastructures like AWS/GCP and have deployed applications keeping scalability in mind. Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, SonarQube are some of the cool tools I use for CI/ CD. I'm always a learner and a self taught programmer.

Born and bought up in
Mangalore, KA, India

Love Coffee
Coffee + Me = Happiness

Socially Awkward
At times

Love Riding
Biker for life

Self Taught Programmer
Thanks to the Web Resources